Architectural Design by Ashtton Associates Ltd.

The building was essentially sound but required immediate remedial works on the roof and several floors. The building consisted of four integrated parts, three of which were additions to the original 17th century Hunting Lodge, noted as A:17c on the sketch.

The hunting lodge and ancillary buildings in the immediate vicinity formed part of the listed building and its curtilage.

The materials and construction methods of the buildings were natural gritstone walling, red brick walling, natural clay tiled roofs, cast rainwater goods with rise and fall brackets, stone heads and cills to window openings, sash / metal casement windows and simple boarded doors.

B:19c was a 19th century two storey brick addition, and C:19c and D:19c were both single storey 19th century additions, possibly initially stables and later converted to become part of the dwelling.

Some wall sections that supported the main roof needed rebuilding, with careful consideration to the materials being specified as the hunting lodge was a grade II listed building.

There were also many areas that required  general repair and making good.

As heritage assets are irreplaceable, any harm or loss should require clear and convincing justification.

Our heritage statement and remedial designs made it clear that the only areas of the property, which would be permanently lost, were the lime-Ash floors as detailed on the drawings and within the structural engineers report. The justification being that to leave the two floors in place would risk their collapse and irreparable damage to the rest of the building. Every effort was made to retain and where necessary repair as much of the original building fabric as possible, including the main supporting beam, as   in G4 detailed on dwg A.02.

Project Details

Client Name: The Hunting Lodge – Renovation & Conservation

Completed Date: 2019

Budget: Circa £95,000

Category: Design and Local Authority Approvals

Size: 369 m2

Location: Derbyshire

Download Plans

Please click on the links below to download the plans of this project.


Proposed Ground Floor plan

Proposed First Floor Plan
